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Supernatural Encounters FAQ

Supernatural Encounters discussion - YouTube

©2020, Chris Cold; "Ooradryl"


What's the history of the Encounters duology?


"Cult Encounters" and “Supernatural Encounters” were originally intended to be published as articles in Star Wars Gamer magazine, as follow-ups to the in-universe article Rich Handley (my co-author of Cult Encounters) and I wrote for the first issue of the magazine, "The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Marvel Series," in Star Wars Gamer (2000), with illustrations by Joe Corroney.


Although Rich and I received the greenlight from Lucasfilm, only “Cult Encounters” was far enough along when events beyond his control happened that prevented Rich from continuing to write for the license. Star Wars Gamer then ended in 2002. Five years later, I approached Pablo Hidalgo, an old colleague from my West End Games (and SWFA) days, who was then in charge of the Star Wars site about publishing CE and developing SE for publication on the Star Wars Hyperspace service, a Lucasfilm exclusive content initiative. The framework of Supernatural Encounters was first written at the end of 2007. Pablo liked the idea, which coincided with his plans to have Hyperspace feature exclusive articles and stories. So CE was conceptually reworked as "Cult Encounters: Excerpts from the Last Days of Arhul Hextrophon" and submitted Supernatural Encounters: The Trial and Transformation of Arhul Hextrophon, novella was developed in its first draft and submitted. Pablo liked it and said it would have to be published in installments. I told him it needed a lot more work and continued to send updated drafts over the course of the next few years and he agreed that I could continue to develop it until it was put on the publication schedule. I signed a licensing agreement and a tax form and proceeded.


A work of this nature--involving the ancient past--required a lot of work, research, and editing to make sure everything was right, but since I had been given the time time to continue working on the manuscript until it was put on the schedule, work on Supernatural Encounters was yet ongoing when, in 2010, it was abruptly announced that the new management at LFL were discontinuing Hyperspace.


Was Cult Encounters or Supernatural Encounters cancelled?


They were never cancelled, and it was hoped that they would find a new home elsewhere, so I continued working on the manuscript. In the interim, concepts from the Encounters duology were incorporated into other works by my colleagues. Ampotem Za was added in the 2007 Hyperspace article “Aliens of the Empire,” by Abel G. Peña and Rich Handley. The Rozzum and Typhojem found their way into the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide and Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side, by Dan Wallace.


Did you get in touch with Lucasfilm again?


Yes, after I posted Cult Encounters on this site, followed by a beta version of Supernatural Encounters the year after to gauge whether there was enough interest to resume work on it, in late 2015, Abel, Rich, and I approached Lucasfilm regarding our unpublished stories for the Star Wars Blog. Matt Martin (of the Lucasfilm Story Group, who then ran the site) and Dan Brooks (who ran the Blog) approved them for online publication, with the plan being to put them out in parts due to the length of Supernatural Encounters. I suggested an alternative means: posting them on my personal website as Abel G. Peña had just done with his SkyeWalkers. They could then be linked to or embedded in the Blog. They approved this plan, but I still needed time to bring the story to where it needed to be, and they allowed me to continue working on it until it was ready, requiring only that I write an introduction for the Blog and a clear indication that this was Legends material.


When it was getting close to being ready, I reached out again to Matt and Dan, but it was clear that the word on high was that they were to focus exclusively on the new canon. While this didn't come as a surprise, it was disappointing, so  I posted the completed story here free to the public, which this site has done with other unpublished Star Wars works.


Was Supernatural Encounters licensed?


Yes; I filled out the requisite legal documents (a CA-587 form, which is called a Non-Resident Withholding Allocation Worksheet and W-9 tax form) when the stories were first approved for publication by Pablo Hidalgo, the same licensing process I went through for my previous contributions to the Expanded Universe. There isn't any Lucasfilm licensing process beyond this. 


What evidence do you have for all of this?


The 2007 to 2015 emails between me and Lucasfilm attest to the veracity of this. I first sent this privately to Wookieepedia, but they ignored it. Given the controversy that arose, I've since provided the emails to the public here, redacting only emails that were of a personal nature or which were exchanged on personal emails (as I noted earlier, Pablo and I were friends before he was hired by Lucasfilm).


What material is restored in the "extended edition?" Why was it cut?


For the beta version released online, I had cut out swathes of material that I felt needed more time, development, and which might conflict with Star Wars: The Old Republic. I have since restored numerous vignettes, history, and continuity pertaining to the Sith, the Mecrosa, the Sorcerers of Tund, the Sorcerers of Rhand,  forgotten wars such as the Qaldyon Reckoning, and lore cut from the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide as well as content from Abel's unpublished “Vader's Legacy.” There is a lot of additional revisions and improvements to dialogue and characterization, as well as things normal for the editing process and to ensure continuity with pre-existing works. In addition, full-color illustrations by the amazing Chris Cold and Guillaume Ducos were provided thanks to the contributions of fans.


Did Lucasfilm see the complete version?


Since the plan for me to continue developing SE was understood and approved, I sent them the completed version when it was finished. Unfortunately, LFL was at that time no longer permitted to do anything with Legends content (Marvel #108 being the sole exception because the licensee pushed for it). I consider the new edition to be the definitive version.


I heard there are a lot of crossovers. What is that about?


The Star Wars expanded universe has had a lot of crossovers with other IPs since the very first EU book was released, with Alan Dean Foster included a statue of Cthulhu (called Pomojema by the tribe that lived nearby) in Splinter of the Mind's Eye in 1978. This was made even more explicit in Terry Austin's SOTME comics in 1995-6. But that was just the tip of a much larger iceberg. The Marvel Star Wars comics had at least two crossovers, the first in issue #79, when Lando Calrissian disguised himself as Captain Harlock from the 1977-79 manga-anime series Space Pirate Captain Harlock; the second in issue #89, when Braxas, a member of E.T.'s race (from E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial) appears; of course, Lucas later made them explicit in TPM. Robert Sawyer's cancelled Alien Exodus series introduced THX-1138 and other films by Lucas, including Indiana Jones, into ancient Star Wars continuity. In the Dark Horse Comics, West End Games, and Del Rey books, there are countless crossovers, and other IPs have featured crossovers to Star Wars. Some examples include: the Firefly-class ship from Firefly-Serenity flies over Coruscant in Evasive Action: Prey and over Caprica in the 2003 Battlestar Galactica miniseries; the xenomorph from the Alien/Predator series appears in X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair and in Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows; Michael Reaves name-dropped Barsoom as a street on Coruscant (Barsoom Boulevard) in Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter; Barsoom was already visited (then called Shiva IV) in issues #53 and #54 of the Marvel Star Wars series, which  were leftover issues of John Carter: Warlord of Mars, written by Chris Claremont and illustrated by Carmine Infantino; in MedStar II: Jedi Healer, Michael Reaves and Steve Perry reference the Oni of Uru, which come from the 1980s anime-manga series, Urusei Yatsura, which itself referenced Star Wars; in Dark Force Rising #3, Captain Kirk, Doctor McCoy, and Mr. Spock from Star Trek appear on the planet Jomark along with a model of the U.S.S. Enterprise andStar Trek communicator. Kevin J. Anderson-Rebecca Moesta's Titan AE novel includes Rybets. The Disney canon and EU have also been crossed over in Fantasy Flight Games, The Old Republic MMORPG, and much more.


To help make sense of all of this, the Grand Unification Theory was developed to provide an in-universe explanations, while also allowing different interpretations for fans who object to crossovers if they so choose. In SE's endnotes, I explained:

The presence of crossovers should not be seen as a dogmatic declaration that these universes exist in the Star Wars galaxy. As with anything associated with new or controversial ideas, how far one is willing to go and what one finds palatable is ultimately dependent on the individual reader. For this reason, I came up with a multi-pronged methodology for interpreting crossovers; four different approaches for understanding and interpreting crossovers that allow fans to make their own determination as to what works best for them:

1.   Coincidental:  The events bear similarities, but are not the same.

2.   Relational: The events represent a version of that universe, but are not exactly as depicted in the original source, which might represent in-universe works such as holodramas.

3.   Congruity: The events represent the very same events as depicted in the original source. This doesn’t mean that the characters or narrator are correct about everything they conclude.

4.   Some-or-All of the Above: You determine what works best in each given scenario. This allows you to take each on a case-by-case basis.

The Grand Unification Theory is meant to provide potentialities for fans to have fun with, whether in their own imaginations, RPG adventures, stories, artwork, etc. The Skyriver galaxy is mammoth and its history is long and old; and as much as is revealed in SE, there’s room to spare for much more.


Was Supernatural Encounters printed?


Supernatural Encounters exists as a free PDF to the public. But until LFL says otherwise, it cannot be sold commercially, though contributors at a certain level have received physical copies as a perk; second editions were made available at cost by a third party who did not profit from the endeavor. A third edition may be made available in the future.


How did you become involved in Star Wars? What was your involvement before SE?


My timeline was solicited and submitted to Bill Smith of West End Games and Bob Cooper of Dark Horse Comics. I first wrote fiction for West End Games thanks to Bill Smith, who invited me to write an RPGA for them (my first credit appeared in the Star Wars Gamemaster Screen, Revised Edition; 1996). I went on to contribute to the Star Wars Insider by Titan Magazines and Star Wars Gamer by Wizards of the Coast (who gained the license for Star Wars role-playing material after WEG went belly-up). Rich and I wrote introductions for the reprinted Marvel series (with an illustration by Robin Pronovost), and I provided Dark Horse with all the rare material published in the Wild Space omnibus. Other projects came and went. Abel G. Peña, Rich Handley, and I began work on Star Wars: The Essential Reader's Companion, which went to Pablo. You win some, you lose some...


Most recently, I've written non-fiction Star Wars essays for various publications, including Secrets of the Force, edited by Edward Gross (St. Martin's Press, 2021), A More Civilized Age: Exploring the Star Wars Expanded Universe, A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Exploring Star Wars Comics and A Long Time Ago: Exploring the Star Wars Cinematic Universe for Sequart Books.


Who else worked on the Encounters duology?


There were several amazing contributors to thank. Rich Handley co-wrote Cult Encounters with me. Kyle Rawlings, my lead editor; Edward Dodds, lead editor and go-to Sith historian, Ryan "Sinrebirth" Shepherd, editor and former contributor to The Essential Atlas and The Essential Guide to Warfare, Corey Carter, editor and cartographer, as well as Harry Thornton, Robert Newnham, Greg Mitchell, Luke Van Horn, Matt Wilkins, Derek Stevens, Abel G. Peña, Neil Farnum, Michael Steinberg, Patrick Maes, Chayim Mescher, Stuart Bailey, Arthur Lowrey, and others.


What is the future of Supernatural Encounters?


The Atlas Appendix is out, but there is more coming down the pike, including a full-cast audio-drama and soundtrack, by Kyle Rawlings, The Supernatural Encounters Alien Guide, by Kevin Beentjes, and Otherworldly Encounters, which will comprise SE-related short stories by fans!


Will Supernatural Encounters lore appear on Wookieepedia?


That's for the fans to decide. As far as I'm aware, many had already begun chronicling lore on Wookieepedia when it's current leaders took the stance that the work was "cancelled" (which it never was) or "unlicensed" (which is also untrue) and have labeled it as such. I'm not involved with any of that, though I did forward my emails with Lucasfilm to the administrators so as to help the folks at Wookieepedia properly categorize the work; they appear to have disregarded it.


Is Supernatural Encounters canon?


It was written and intended to be an Expanded Universe work, and would have been categorized as C-canon in the old classification system. Of course, "Canon" means something quite different now than when I wrote the work. Matt Martin understood it to be "Legends" and approved it for publication as such; I did incorporate some elements of lore from the newer material since SE puts forth what I call a "One Canon: Three Universes" approach, which allows the EU, DU, and even Infinities to coexist, thus providing room for all fans under the larger Star Wars umbrella. 

Note To Readers


It is said in times past that the Whills—that mysterious race referred to (in the very first Star Wars book in 1976) but never seen—had the ability to mentally transmit the events of their realm to those of us in the Primary Universe who were receptive and willing to tell such tales so that we might learn by their example, and yet be entertained in our own world at war. George Lucas was primary vessel for those tales, the first of many…

Supernatural Encounters came to me fully formed in November 2007, when it poured out over the course of a few days, a dense, lengthy dissertation on metaphysical subjects, esoteric races, and obscure histories, with subjects ranging from time dilations and realm distinction to ontology, cosmogony, and theology, all embedded in the tale of Arhul Hextrophon and his droid’s search for the origin of life in the Star Wars galaxy. Their quest matched my own, as I too set out to find the truth amongst the many myths and fables that have been revealed over the long years of the EU's existence. Twelve years after this story was first submitted, twenty after the idea was first conceived, the full account of their journey can at last be revealed.

I recommend first reading “The Keeper’s World,” “Tilotny Throws a Shape” and “The Pandora Effect” from the Marvel UK stories in order to get some context, and the newspaper strip, "Gambler's World." [Note: You can find them in the Marvel UK Omnibus, or The Complete Marvel Years Omnibus Vol. 3, or the Epic Collection: The Original Marvel Years Vol 3, or Star Wars Omnibus: Wild Space Volume 1 (by Dark Horse], and the Star Wars Newspaper Comics Vol 1 (by IDW) or The Newspaper Strips Vol 1 (by Marvel). It also draws on material found across the EU, including the RPG adventures, "Otherspace" and "The Darkstryder Campaign," the Ewoks films and animated series, and much more. Cult Encounters immediately precedes this story. The frame story of Supernatural Encounters occurs after the Dark Nest series and before the Legacy of the Force series.

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Related Media

Maxine✨🏳️‍⚧️ on Instagram: "Supernatural Encounters will change your very  brain structure. #starwars #starwarsexpandeduniverse #lukeskywalker  #leiaorgana #hansolo #chewbacca #jacensolo #jainasolo #anakinsolo  #lukeskywalker #marajadeskywalker ...


Atlas Appendix

Corey Carter's Supernatural Encounters Atlas is included here and in the Amazon copy of Vol 3.


Immersive Audiobook

Not to be confused with the forthcoming full-cast audiodrama, this is a visual-audial adaptation of various chapters of the book with imagery and music. Akin to the immersive adaptations done for H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Lord Dunsany, and Robert E. Howard by AGM Storytime (and others), this is an outstanding treat for the senses and an incredible way to experience this story!

Star Wars: Supernatural Encounters--Chapter 20: Visual Audiobook is available here!

Expanded Encounters

Stories and Art inspired by Cult Encounters & Supernatural Encounters

  • The Architects, by Natalie Asplund

  • Cthon, by Mark Elam

  • Desolation, by Christian Oxford, Christopher Young, Raymond Obrien, Edward Dodds, and Bryanna Elkins

  • Devilworlds: Season 1, by Mark Elam

  • Last Breath: A Tale From the New Jedi Order, by Brennan C. Renwick

 First Edition Errata


Star Wars Supernatural Encounters Is Now AVAILABLE on AMAZON! - YouTube


Note: Page numbers reflect the first edition.

  • TOC: Chapter 75 subchapter should read: A Snake in the Grass

  • TOC: Chapter 80 missing the sub-chapter title: The Bobog and the Phlog.

  • Page 161 and 162, second line and first line should read "other two" not three.

  • Page 179 and 186: 1st paragraph: Tiltony should be Tilotny.

  • Book II: Poem should read "name" in the second line, not "flame."

  • Pg. 246, Hexnote #33: Corona V should be Sol.

  • Page 688-691: Additional material to bring this section better in line with material in the Fate of the Jedi series.

  • Page 723: Second paragraph, third line should read "Darkness" not "Dark Side."

  • Appendix C: Coda: Page 977 should read: “It was only in Apeiron that he was destroyed,” not Hyperion.

  • Appendix C: Coda: Page 969 should read "descendent" not "grandson."

  • Endnotes: Book 1: Missing attribution. Quote is from Immanuel Velikovsky: Peoples of the Sea.

  • Endnotes: Book 2: Missing attribution. Quote is from the H.P. Lovecraft (HPL) poem, "Nemesis."

  • Endnotes: Chapter 52: Missing attributions: Lady Asher and Dorelle Asher were named after top-tier contributor, Debbie Sellers. Eckhart the Adder comes from Justin Eckhart (Eckhart's Ladder) who was among the first Youtubers to talk about Supernatural Encounters.

  • Hextnote #217 correction on spelling. It should be K'Kruhk.



Joe Bongiorno is the creator of the Star Wars Expanded Universe Timeline (, which publishes lost stories in the universe begun by George Lucas. He is the author of the eight-volume series Black Sabbath: The Illustrated Lyrics. Joe also runs a small-press publishing company called the Royal Publisher of Oz ( and is the creator of the Royal Timeline of Oz ( and the X-Files Chronology ( Joe has co-edited the Cyberpunk Nexus: Exploring the Blade Runner Universe, and has written essays on science-fiction and fantasy for several Sequart Books anthologies, Wizard of the Coast’s Star Wars Gamer magazine, short stories for Oziana magazine, and has contributed material to West End Games, Star Wars Insider, and Dark Horse Comics. Joe currently lives in an ever-expanding library on Long Island where he caters to the demands of five cats and two dogs.


 Thanks to George Lucas for encouraging others to expand his universe, for hiring a team to oversee it, and for supporting their efforts for 35 years! Thanks as well to the early contributors of the Expanded Universe, from Roy Thomas, Archie Goodwin, and Alan Moore, to the writers of West End Games. Upon these early works was this story built.

Thanks to Rich Handley for his work on Cult Encounters, the Marvel Aliens in Gamer #1, and his friendship over the years, and Abel G. and Susie Peña for their insight and friendship (and Waru!)

Special thanks to my proofreaders, editors, helpers, and promoters to whom I owe a debt:

Steve Bardin

Al Bernardi

Michael Brennan

Corey Carter

Edward Dodds

Neil Farnum

David Grahame

Arthur Lowery

Alex Maciel

Patrick Maes

Benjamin McDonnell

Marcus Mebes

Chayim Mescher

 Greg Mitchell

Maxine Morrell

Liisa Mountain

Robert Newnham

Kyle Rawlings

Brennan Renwick

Marcel Ryan

Alex Salcedo

Nick Schuessler

Ryan "Sinrebirth" Shepherd

Michael Steinberg

Derek Stevens

Harry Thornton

Luke Van Horn

Matt Wilkins


Thanks to my French, Spanish, and Russian language translators

Alban Leloup

Mario Alberto Escamilla

Alexander Vinogradov

Thanks also to Pablo Hidalgo for the initial opportunity, Matt Martin, Dan Brooks, Wookieepedia, the guys over at the Jedi Council Forums, and all the amazing contributors who supported this book over the years!!

Fan Art


"The Architects"

by Natalie Asplud (

Note: Unpublished. rare. or out-of-print Star Wars stories will be taken down if/when officially released/reprinted

Supernatural Encounters



Cult Encounters


Previously unpublished duology intended for Hyperspace and the Star Wars Blog.


Tom Veitch's unpublished bridge story between Dark Empire I and II

Much More over at