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Robert Mullin's wildly unique chronology project attempts to fuse the EU canon with Disney's.


Jedi Sabacc


Long forgotten, un-reprinted Star Wars adventures and nonfiction literature

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Plif lives with Marvel Star Wars stats and loads of fun pages!


Fascinating study of the changes made to the original trilogy


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The Clone Wars Viewing Order


Another chronology of the Clone Wars incorporates older stories in relation to the animated series


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Short Stories and RPG Materials

TITLE: Light and Shadow
CREATOR(S): Paul Danner
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Short story supposed to appear in an unpublished issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal
SUMMARY: A self - exiled Jedi Knight tries to come to grasp with his fall from grace — and his solution may come in the form of a Force-sensitive little girl…
MORE INFO: The story is available here!

TITLE: Lando Calrissian Adventures Sourcebook
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled RPG sourcebook
SUMMARY: "In April we're doing a sourcebook based on the Lando Calrissian novels, which were just reissued by Del Rey last summer. We're very excited about that because the author's got a real good perspective. He's writing the book as if Lando Calrissian had written an autobiography. It's going to be very, very interesting. We're going to have a lot of fun with that. The author, Brian Thomas, communicates extensively with L. Neil Smith, who's the original author of the novels. It's going to have an authentic feel to it." -  An Inside Look at Star Wars Gaming (An Interview with Bill Smith), Star Wars Adventure Journal #5
SOURCE INFO: "An Inside Look at Star Wars Gaming", (An Interview with Bill Smith), Star Wars Adventure Journal #5

TITLE: Era of Rebellion Sourcebook - including Marvel Comics material
CREATOR(S): Pablo Hidalgo
PUBLISHER: West End Games 
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled RPG sourcebook
UPDATE: The article on Aduba-3 in Gamer # 4 is based on some of this material

TITLE: The Jarnollen Expedition
CREATOR(S): Pablo Hidalgo (writer)
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Planned Star Wars Adventure Journal article
SUMMARY: "This was to be a start of a series of Adventure Journal articles based on old comic books and comic strips.  Jarnollen was the name coined for the jungle planet in Classic Star Wars #1. Voren Na'al was researching the planet. It was to explain the Imperial presence there, and be a spotlight on creatures and environment. The game hook was that it would introduce a number of "playable" diseases that could be contracted from exposure to the jungle." - Pablo Hidalgo
SOURCE INFO: Pablo Hidalgo post on Welcome some BAC VIPs ( Message Boards) 

TITLE: Eight for Aduba-3 retelling short story
CREATOR(S): Eric Trautmann
PUBLISHER: West End Games
SUMMARY: "From what I know, basically it was going to be sort of a retelling of Aduba from Jaxxon's point of view. He was in actuality a Lobo-like (DC's Lobo) character - a real tough cookie. The Marvel story was basically just a bad media (sort of like the "holo" didn't show me the right way) hack job and showed him as a scrawny rabbit when he's really a tough-as-nails badass." - genghis12
SOURCE INFO: Jedi Council Forums topic: Star Wars: Lostworlds

TITLE: Shifting Gears
CREATOR(S): Jean Rabe
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Short story supposed to appear in Star Wars Adventure Journal #17
SUMMARY: Three Rebel officers—two humans and a frog-like Zarian—travel to Tatooine and battle Imperial agents in order to infiltrate a Jawa Sandcrawler to retrieve a strategic protocol droid.  Unbeknownst to them, a black protocol assassin droid has infiltrated the Sandcrawler, posing as a damaged machine for the Jawas to scavenge . . .
MORE INFO:  Published here!

TITLE: Credit Denied
CREATOR(S): Chris Cassidy & Tish Pahl
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Short story supposed to appear in Star Wars Adventure Journal #16
SUMMARY: Con-woman Ghista Dodger and her alien partner get into a deadly run-in with crimelord Oro Memis at a temple, along with his henchmen Nopul Etrefa and Nikto, Vakirsajaina.  Her partner is riddled with blaster bolts and killed, and Dodger is forced into a deathmatch by a Weequay announcer, Pon Svale.  Chained to a pole, she is about to be shot point-blank, but manages to escape with her life.
MORE INFO:  Published here!

TITLE: The Art of Infiltration
CREATOR(S): John Beyer & Kathy Burdette
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Short story supposed to appear in Star Wars Adventure Journal #17
SUMMARY: Morgan Q. Raventhorn, Maglenna Pendower, Dren Nord, and the rest of the Alliance Special Ops team participate in an infiltration mission and battle against the devious Imperial ISB Captain Mylesgood.  The group and Morgan are able to blow up a skiff full of Imperial officers and troopers, and complete their objectives.
MORE INFO:  Officially published in Star Wars Gamer #9! Published in its original form here

TITLE: Treasure Hunt
CREATOR(S): unknown
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Short story supposed to appear in Star Wars Adventure Journal #17
SUMMARY: Smugglers Booster Terrik and Talon Karrde go on a wild and dangerous treasure hunt.

TITLE: Emanations of Darkness
CREATOR(S): Patrician Jackson
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Short story supposed to appear in the Star Wars Adventure Journal
SUMMARY: Sequel to "The Final Exit," concerning the final fate of Adalric Cessius Brandl, Jaalib Brandl and Fable Astin.
MORE INFO:  Published here.

TITLE: Marvel Comics material in Cracken's Threat Dossier
PUBLISHER: West End Games 
SUMMARY: "Cracken's Threat Dossier was in concept going to be the vehicle where they could showcase the stories which may not have warranted their own hardcover sourcebook. I believe that at one time, Eric may have said that Marvel source material may have been a candidate as a Threat Dossier." - genghis12
SOURCE INFO: Jedi Council Forums topic: Star Wars: Lostworlds

TITLE: X-Wing Rogue Squadron Sourcebook
CREATOR(S): mostly unknown
Eric Trautmann
short story by Michael A. Stackpole
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled RPG sourcebook supposedly completely finished but never published due to the bankruptcy of West End Games and the move of the RPG license to Wizards of the Coast.  There are rumors of the existence of a CD-ROM containing the entire contents of the book.
SUMMARY: Datafile containing info on Rogue Squadron, it is pilots, and it is enemies.  Describes New Republic and Empire officers, like General Airen Cracken, and the evil Imperial Director of Intelligence, Ysanne Isard; and also about the shady characters that have dealt with Rogue Squadron, like the alien Cirruhs, the Duros named Waleen Jol, and the Pacithip Kettak.  Also includes a short story by Michael A. Stackpole featuring Corran Horn and his feelings at the Battle of Bilbringi.

Features an original short story by New York Times bestselling author Michael A. Stackpole, plus information on the characters, planets, vehicles, droids, aliens and situations featured in Stackpole's Star Wars novels. (40148) SC, 144pg $25.00

As to the legend of the lost CD:
Actually, the data on the CD was corrupted and we didn't know it at the
time, so the CD-ROM that escaped WEG's decimation contains garbage data.
Pieces of the sourcebook are still lying around my house, but mostly
unedited -- and frankly, terrible -- work I had banged out and repaired in
later versions."
 - Eric Trautmann (courtesy of genghis12)
SOURCE INFO: Jedi Council Forums topic: Star Wars: Lostworlds

TITLE: Hutt and Seek
CREATOR(S): Chris Cassidy & Tish Pahl
PUBLISHER: West End Games 
DESCRIPTION: Supposed to appear in an unpublished issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal.  Revised and included in the Tales from the New Republic paperback antholgy without illustrations and RPG material.
SUMMARY: Corellian smuggler Fenig Nabon finds herself on the bad end of a deal with "partner" Ghitsa Dogder - a plan to con a Hutt, with the unwitting aid of Mistryl assassin Shada D'ukal. She greets Shada and her new apprentice Dunc T'racen as they arrive on Ryloth. They are concluding a deal with the Shak Clan, to ship Twi'lek females to Nal Hutta. Shada objects - she hauls slaves for nobody, not even for 20,000 credits. Ghitsa claims the females are a dancing troupe, en route to Durga the Hutt. An uneasy Shada ups the price to 32,000 credits, and accepts. Shada can sense that Ghitsa's an Imperial, and keeps a close eye on both smugglers the whole trip. They come upon a relay buoy, meaning a likely trap ahead - but it is too late to back out now. Shada pulls the freighter out of space, and good thing too - a Firespray-class ship is waiting for them. Shada takes it out, but recognises it as belonging to the Karazak Slavers Cooperative. As the ship rushes to Nar Shaddaa, Ghitsa prods Dunc into a fury, telling her they had indeed been slavers after all. Shada realises full well what Ghitsa's trying to do - push the Mistryl into breaking their contract. Nevertheless, why? Ghitsa will not answer, and will not explain what is really going on. Furious, Shada throws both smugglers into an escape pod and shoots them off. 

Only it turns out the laugh is on the Mistryl - Ghitsa altered the ship's ID code to read as a slaver ship. The escape pod lands on Nal Hutta, where Ghitsa rushes to Durga's palace and spins a yarn about his ship being taken by the KSC. He invokes Hutt law and provides the altered ID code to evade execution. Back on the smuggler ship, Shada and Dunc find a message from Fen outlining the whole sorry deal. It seems Ghitsa set all this up to ignite a gang war. Shada returns the slaves to Ryloth while Fenig and Ghitsa fly off into the stars with their ill-gotten gains…
- from Time Tales

On Ryloth, Fenig (Fen) Nabon and Ghista Dogder hire two Mistryl, Shada Du’kal and Dunc
T’racen, to transport them and a cargo of Twi’lek females to Durga the Hutt on Nal Hutta.
The Mistryl are not amused, since they don’t wish to see the Twi’leks sold into slavery, but
when the women tell them all is legit, they are honor-bound to stick to the arrangement. On
the somewhat long trip to Nal Hutta aboard the Mistryls’ ship, the Fury, Ghista continuously
pisses off the Mistryl with insults and insinuations. When they get above Nal Hutta, the
Mistryl force Ghista and Fen into an escape pod and launch them to the surface without their
“cargo” of women. Fen and Ghista survive and make it to see Durga, who is told that the ship
that stole his cargo was the slave vessel the Indenture (which they’d actually destroyed en
route to Nal Hutta), which is owned (was owned) by the Karazak Slaving Cooperative. He
trusts Ghista because she is one of his clan’s counselors, empowered to make Hutt deals,
but even though he believes her and will let she and Fen live to leave Nal Hutta aboard their
waiting ship, the Star Lady, he will not allow Ghista to continue as a counselor. Later, Shada
and Dunc find a holomessage from Fen which tells them that they intended for the Mistryl to
send them along without the “cargo,” and the Twi’leks are awaited back on Ryloth for a safe
return home. The Mistryl will still get their payment, and, hopefully, blaming the loss of the
women on the KSC will spark clan warfare among the slaver, allowing Ryloth to live in peace,
at least for a little while. For Ghista’s part, she is happy to no longer be a counselor and
happy that she was able to “stick it” to Durga—two of his previous counselors, both of whom
were killed by Durga, were Dodgers as well.
- from Star Wars Timeline Gold
SOURCE INFO: Tales from the New Republic
MORE INFO: Published in its original form here!

TITLE: DarkStryder discarded plotlines
CREATOR(S): Eric Trautmann
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Discarded plotline for the DarkStryder campaign
SUMMARY: - At one time, High Inquisitor Tremayne was going to be part of the plot
- WEG was forced to retool a lot of Darkstryder plot because it was nearly identical (although independently created) to the Star Trek Voyager plot and WEG didn't feel it was appropriate 
- A major overhaul of the Darkstryder planet inhabitants was done because they were going to be essentially what the Shadows from B5 were, but again Darkstryder was beat out of the gate
SOURCE INFO: Eric Trautmann, "Making of Darkstryder", Darkstryder: Endgame, West End Games

TITLE: New Jedi Order Sourcebook update / volume 2
CREATOR(S): unknown
PUBLISHER: Wizards of the Coast
DESCRIPTION: Revised edition or additional volume to the New Jedi Order Sourcebook to complete the coverage of the Del Rey New Jedi Order novel series
RELATED LINKS: Wizards of the Coast Star Wars RPG

TITLE: Gambler's Luck
CREATOR(S): Troy Denning
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled solitaire adventure
SOURCE INFO: Star Wars Insider #56 p69
Q&A with Star Wars Authors (article at

TITLE: Leia choose your own adventure book
CREATOR(S): Troy Denning
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled solitaire adventure
SOURCE INFO: Star Wars Insider #56 p69
Q&A with Star Wars Authors (article at

TITLE: Love Is a Warm Blaster
CREATOR(S): Paul Danner w/ illustrations by Talon Dunning
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Short story supposed to appear in an unpublished issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal.  Timeline placement should be before 4 ASW4 since it is implied that Jabba the Hutt is still alive.
MORE INFO: Published here!

TITLE: Just Business
CREATOR(S): Paul Danner
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Short story supposed to appear in an unpublished issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal. 
RELATED LINKS: The story was first released online at Star Wars Fanboy Association - Original Fiction

TITLE: Star Wars: First Empire
CREATOR(S): Pablo Hidalgo (consultant)
PUBLISHER: West End Games 
DESCRIPTION: Planned RPG boxed campaign set
SUMMARY: "This was to be a boxed campaign set, a la DarkStryder or Lords of the Expanse. It never got off the planning stages. It only consisted of a few discussions between myself and Eric Trautmann. I think Tim Zahn and Mike Stackpole shared some ideas with him as well. Since it was never pitched to Lucasfilm (as far as I know), I won't share any details on it. It had no title, but First Empire was my working suggestion. I think it's pretty cool, and maybe someday, it'll somehow be resurrected. " - Pablo Hidalgo
SOURCE INFO: Pablo Hidalgo post on Welcome some BAC VIPs ( Message Boards) 

TITLE: Star Wars Adventure Journal #16
PUBLISHER: West End Games 
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled RPG periodical
SUMMARY: WEG41016 - SWAJ#16: $12.00
MORE INFO:  Published here!

TITLE: Star Wars Adventure Journal #17
PUBLISHER: West End Games 
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled RPG periodical
SUMMARY: WEG41017 - SWAJ#17:
Don't miss this special New Republic theme issue, featuring an original short story by New York Times best-selling author Timothy Zahn. This issue is also packed with fiction, sourcefiles, and adventures, including a game scenario featuring smugglers Talon Karrde and Booster Terrik on a wild treasure hunt. SC, 288pg $12.00
MORE INFO:  Published in part here! (Missing "The Jarnollen Expedition")

TITLE: Star Wars Adventure Journal #18
PUBLISHER: West End Games 
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled RPG periodical
SUMMARY: WEG41018 - SWAJ#18: $12.00

TITLE: Star Wars Gamer #11 and beyond
CREATOR(S): various
PUBLISHER: Wizards of the Coast
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled gaming periodical - several items were in preparation for Star Wars Gamer prior to it being cancelled
SUMMARY: "The premise for articles detailing the Guild of Vindicators, Wutzek, and the Terrible Glare (all from Devilworlds) have been approved by LFL (although sadly Gamer's demise prevented their seeing print). And there have been others as well." - Joe Bongiorno (

See individual listings for:
- Castaways of Endor
- Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals
- Who's Who in the Imperial Military
SOURCE INFO: Jedi Council Forums topic: The Official Dan Wallace Discussion Thread
Jedi Council Forums topic: Calling all continuity buffs! List all known intelligent species on planet Endor!
Jedi Council Forums topic: Star Wars Insider #66
Dark Horse Message Boards - Star Wars forum topic: Devilworlds
MORE INFO: TimelineUniverse.Net

TITLE: Dungeon magazine #109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116 material
CREATOR(S): various
PUBLISHER: Paizo Publishing
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled Star Wars RPG articles and adventures in preparation for these and future issues of Dungeon magazine
SUMMARY: Message via Vic Wertz, President of Paizo Publishing:
Look for more "long form" Star Wars articles, as well as Chris West's "Starships of the Galaxy" in issues 109, 111, 112, 113, 115, and 116. I've got a healthy submission pile and I think Star Wars RPG fans will be very pleased with the stuff we've got coming up.
--Erik Mona, Editor-in-Chief of Dungeon Magazine
SOURCE INFO: Jedi Council Forums topic: "Official" Dungeon Magazine Star Wars Thread

TITLE: SpecForces: Instant Adventures
CREATOR(S): Pablo Hidalgo, S. John Ross (contributing authors)
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Planned RPG supplement
SUMMARY: "The WEG Instant Adventures book proved popular enough to spawn a sequel, a Lords of the Expanse edition of IA. The second sequel would be instant adventures centered around SpecForce type characters. I was in the middle of writing a story about Rebel commandos escorting an influential prince returning to his homeworld, and protecting him from Imperials and traitors. " - Pablo Hidalgo
SOURCE INFO: Pablo Hidalgo post on Welcome some BAC VIPs ( Message Boards)
The WEDGE Interview: S. John Ross by Shawn Lockard

TITLE: Wizards of the Coast Star Wars RPG online content
CREATOR(S): various
PUBLISHER: Wizards of the Coast
DESCRIPTION: A significant amount of the online content for the Star Wars RPG seem to no longer be available at the Wizards of the Coast web site.
SUMMARY: Known missing content includes a great deal of the Living Force material.
SOURCE INFO: Wizards of the Coast Star Wars RPG

TITLE: Creatures of Kashyyk
CREATOR(S): Pablo Hidalgo (artist)
PUBLISHER: West End Games 
DESCRIPTION: Planned Star Wars Adventure Journal article
SUMMARY: "This was to be an Adventure Journal article, written by Craig Robert Carey. It eventually mutated into a Gamer article years later, and my rough pencils were salvaged and printed in tiny size for the article. (I'm glad they were printed small since they weren't finished)" - Pablo Hidalgo
SOURCE INFO: Pablo Hidalgo post on Welcome some BAC VIPs ( Message Boards) 

TITLE: Castaways of Endor (Gamer)
CREATOR(S): Dan Wallace & Amy Pronovost
PUBLISHER: Wizards of the Coast
DESCRIPTION: RPG article supposed to appear in an unpublished issue of Star Wars Gamer
SUMMARY: Article including stats for many of the aliens and creatures from the Ewoks cartoon.
SOURCE INFO: Jedi Council Forums topic: The Official Dan Wallace Discussion Thread
Jedi Council Forums topic: Calling all continuity buffs! List all known intelligent species on planet Endor!

TITLE: Who's Who in the Imperial Military (Gamer)
CREATOR(S): Dan Wallace
PUBLISHER: Wizards of the Coast
DESCRIPTION: RPG article supposed to appear in an unpublished issue of Star Wars Gamer
SUMMARY: Supposed to focus almost exclusively on the movie characters (not the EU additions).

"Yes, we wrote about Tagge in it, but since it's a standard "Who's Who"-style article (with short capsule bios of all the players) it doesn't add much original material to Tagge's history." - Dan Wallace
SOURCE INFO: Jedi Council Forums topic: The Official Dan Wallace Discussion Thread

TITLE: Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals (Gamer)
CREATOR(S): Dan Wallace & Abel Pena
PUBLISHER: Wizards of the Coast
DESCRIPTION: RPG article supposed to appear in an unpublished issue of Star Wars Gamer
SOURCE INFO: Jedi Council Forums topic: The Official Dan Wallace Discussion Thread
Jedi Council Forums topic: Star Wars Insider #66
MORE INFO:  Reformatted and published in Star Wars Insider #66

TITLE: Cult Encounters of the Star Wars Universe
CREATOR(S): Joe Bongiorno, Rich Handley (writers) & Joe Corroney (artist)
PUBLISHER: Wizards of the Coast
DESCRIPTION: In-universe article written by Blackhole that was to appear in an unpublished issue of Star Wars Gamer
SUMMARY: My article (co-written by Rich Handley) was "Cult Encounters of the Star
Wars Universe". I'm not sure what clever title the editor had in mind, but
that was essentially the title we had in mind. Joe Corroney likely would
have supplied the artwork.

It covered:
The Guild of Vindicators (Devilworlds: Dark Lord's Conscience)
The Ancient Order of Pessimists (Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire)
Seekers of the Soul Worm (Devilworlds: The Pandora Effect)
The Order of the Terrible Glare (Devilworlds: Blind Fury)

The basic premise was that we provided inside information for the Game
Master, explaining who these cultists were, what beings or principles they
served, what powers they might have had, what their main objectives were,

The Order of the Terrible Glare portion had some brief dialogue between Luke
and Bodo Baas from the Holocron. Also, the article on the Ancient Order of
Pessimists was a lighter, more humorous piece (in keeping with their
character) unlike the others which were much darker.
- Joe Bongiorno

There was no exact date set for publication (for the Cults piece). It
should have followed up the Alien Encounters by an issue or two (which is
why it was sent to LFL for approval), but Rich starting having personal
problems, so we postponed it for some time. Eventually, they were ready to
go and the new editor was apprised of that, but unfortunately, it was too
late as Gamer was soon after cancelled.
- Joe Bongiorno
SOURCE INFO: Email correspondence with Joe Bongiorno
MORE INFO:  Reformatted for Hyperspace

TITLE: Tion Hegemony Sourcebook
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled RPG sourcebook
SOURCE INFO: Corporate Sector Authority Sourcebook - ?Introduction

TITLE: Jedi Sourcebook
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled RPG sourcebook

TITLE: Corporate Sector Authority campaign boxed set
CREATOR(S): S. John Ross (contributing author)
PUBLISHER: West End Games 
DESCRIPTION: Cancelled RPG campaign boxed set
SOURCE INFO: The WEDGE Interview: S. John Ross by Shawn Lockard
RELATED LINKS: Jedi Council Forums topic: WEG Boxed Set Question?

TITLE: Aliens Compendium
PUBLISHER: West End Games
DESCRIPTION: RPG sourcebook scheduled for release in March 1998 about the time WEG went bankrupt. 
SOURCE INFO:  Michael Kogge, "Playing a Major Role", Star Wars Galaxy Collector #1


Note: Unpublished. rare. or out-of-print Star Wars stories will be taken down if/when officially released/reprinted

Supernatural Encounters



Cult Encounters


Previously unpublished duology intended for Hyperspace and the Star Wars Blog.


Tom Veitch's unpublished bridge story between Dark Empire I and II

Much More over at