The Lost Jedi Adventure Game Books were
a 'Choose-Your-Own-Adventure" style two-book series, comprising Jedi
Dawn and The Bounty Hunter. These titles were released only in
the UK. Jedi Dawn features an error; it's missing entry #300,
which is necessary for completing the adventure correctly. This is
corrected in the compilation book The Lost Jedi, which collected
both titles.
Lost Jedi: Book 1: Jedi Dawn
While there
may be a few ways for Havet Storm to achieve the final outcome, the ideal
path is no easy task to find, and the following presents the most
cinematic and heroic pathway through that allows the reader to read
through the adventure without the need for dice rolls and other
time-consuming game elements, without dying (of course), and without
repeating circuits that the player oftentimes falls into when making
less-than-ideal choices the first time. The reader is by all means free to
play the game and find another path if she so chooses. This timeline is
interested in providing a story for those who don't have the time to
devote to that. Note: Havet Storm is required to have the strength,
dexterity and skill to accomplish certain tasks. As we know Storm
succeeded, since he appears in not only Book 2: Bounty Hunter, but
later Expanded Universe stories, these pathways reflect the fact that he
succeeded in those areas.
there are no official chapter titles, in the course of piecing the above
into a workable framework, I've come up with several chapter names that
might help readers delineate and remember the various sections:
Introduction: Meet Havet Storm: 1
II. Journey
to Toprawa: 31
III. Al the
Alchemist and Boba Fett: 141
IV. Murder
in the Alley: 39
V. Diamond:
VI. 182
Riverside: 182
Meeting Facet Anamor: 161
Carmine: 221
Shuttle: 199
X. Hostel:
XI. Al the
Alchemist and Boba Fett II: 9
Rebel Alliance, Toprawa: 106
XIII. Fett
vs. Diamond: 269
Imperial Research Station: 274
XV. Facet's
Room: 336
XVI. Druth
Anamor: 367
Stealing the Death Star Plans: 400