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Click on the title to go that particular era


The History of Space Opera

Lost (and found) Star Wars stories

Articles, columns and quotes in defense of the Star Wars Expanded Universe!


The goal of the all-volunteer, non-profit Twin Suns Foundation is to promote reading and writing around the world, and serve as the voice for the Star Wars Expanded Universe Movement! Fundraisers, book donations, billboards, check 'em all out today!

Eddie Van Der Heidjen's amazingly exhaustive page!


Robert Mullin's wildly unique chronology project attempts to fuse the EU canon with Disney's.


Jedi Sabacc


Long forgotten, un-reprinted Star Wars adventures and nonfiction literature

TBone's famous Star Wars site include cut-scenes, scripts, and so much more!


Plif lives with Marvel Star Wars stats and loads of fun pages!


Fascinating study of the changes made to the original trilogy


This site's original pre-Filoni Clone Wars Timeline

The Clone Wars Viewing Order


Another chronology of the Clone Wars incorporates older stories in relation to the animated series


Everything you always wanted to know about the Star Wars Holiday Special!




Dark Horse Presents: Annual 2000, Girls Rule: Aurra’s Song



The Jedi Council: Acts of War #1-4




Star Wars #0: Prelude to Rebellion

Note: This online motion-comic (written by former DH editor Pete Janes) was formerly featured at 

It has not been reprinted elsewhere (including the Prelude to Rebellion trade paperback). 

It is available here.


Star Wars #1-6: Prelude to Rebellion




Cloak of Deception



Darth Maul: Saboteur



Darth Maul #1-4



Episode I Adventures #1: Search for the Lost Jedi


Episode I Adventures #2: The Bartokk Assassins


Episode I Adventures #3: The Fury of Darth Maul


Episode I Adventures #4: Jedi Emergency


Episode I Adventures #5: The Ghostling Children

Note: This was reprinted in Scholastic's second and final Star Wars Adventures series as #7



Episode I Adventures #6: The Hunt for Anakin Skywalker

Note: This was reprinted in Scholastic's second and final Star Wars Adventures series as #8



Episode I Adventures #7: Capture Arawynne

Note: This was reprinted in Scholastic's second and final Star Wars Adventures series as #9



Episode I Adventures #8: Trouble on Tatooine

Note: This was reprinted in Scholastic's second and final Star Wars Adventures series as #10



Episode I Adventures #9: Rescue in the Core



Episode I Adventures #10: The Festival of Warriors



Episode I Adventures #11: Pirates from Beyond the Sea



Episode I Adventures #12: The Bongo Rally



Episode I Adventures #13: Danger on Naboo

Note: This was reprinted in Scholastic's second and final Star Wars Adventures series as #11



Episode I Adventures #14: Podrace to Freedom

Note: This was reprinted in Scholastic's second and final Star Wars Adventures series as #12



Episode I Adventures #15: The Final Battle

Note: This was reprinted in Scholastic's second and final Star Wars Adventures series as #13



Star Wars Junior

This series of 12 books from Scholastic was published in 1999 and 2000 and made available exclusively to the school market.  While much of it centers on Episode I: The Phantom Menace, these books do contain new artwork, expanded scenes not seen in the film and even one wholly new storyline (Catch That Pit Droid.)


Droids Everywhere!



Jedi Escape



Obi-Wan's Bongo Adventure



Catch That Pit Droid!






C-3PO's Big Adventure



Sith Attack



Meet the Jedi High Council



Droid to the Rescue



General Jar Jar



Gungan Trouble!



Save Naboo!



Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter



Jango Fett: Open Seasons #1-4



Click here for continuity notes




Note: Unpublished. rare. or out-of-print Star Wars stories will be taken down if/when officially released/reprinted

Supernatural Encounters



Cult Encounters


Previously unpublished duology intended for Hyperspace and the Star Wars Blog.


Tom Veitch's unpublished bridge story between Dark Empire I and II

Much More over at