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Out-of-Print & Unpublished Stories


The History of Space Opera


Lost (and found) Star Wars stories

Articles, columns and quotes in defense of the Star Wars Expanded Universe!


The goal of the all-volunteer, non-profit Twin Suns Foundation is to promote reading and writing around the world, and serve as the voice for the Star Wars Expanded Universe Movement! Fundraisers, book donations, billboards, check 'em all out today!

Eddie Van Der Heidjen's amazingly exhaustive page!


Robert Mullin's wildly unique chronology project attempts to fuse the EU canon with Disney's.


Jedi Sabacc


Long forgotten, un-reprinted Star Wars adventures and nonfiction literature

TBone's famous Star Wars site include cut-scenes, scripts, and so much more!


Plif lives with Marvel Star Wars stats and loads of fun pages!


Fascinating study of the changes made to the original trilogy


This site's original pre-Filoni Clone Wars Timeline

The Clone Wars Viewing Order


Another chronology of the Clone Wars incorporates older stories in relation to the animated series


Everything you always wanted to know about the Star Wars Holiday Special!


Lostworlds are any Star Wars Expanded Universe material that either was in some stage of planning or development, was at some point on a publishers schedule, would have been published but got cancelled, or no longer exists. This includes (but is not limited to) lost, never-finished, or cancelled novels, comics, games and RPG materials. If something was published officially, but no official copies are in existence any longer, they also qualify as a Lostworld, as is the case with the formerly online comic Prelude to Rebellion #0.

Lostworlds are therefore not part of the official Star Wars continuity timelines. On occasion some of the intended ideas from Lostworlds do later get to see light of day in some form or another in other official sources, however they often times do not exactly resemble the original source. Lostworlds status does not apply to fan fiction, even if written by authors of other official Star Wars literature. 

This page was originally maintained by Kevin C. Furman until 2004, when the site became defunct.  It has here been resurrected and updated. 

Last Updated: November 2024--NOTE: links may not work. Please refer to The Archives for updated links to any of this material that's been recovered. A proper update to this page is forthcoming.




4000 BSW4 Mandorla (A Tales of the Jedi story) novel
  Light and Shadow (SWAJ)

     UPDATE: published here on!

short story
  Tales of the Jedi - alternate version comic book
60 BSW4 Prelude to Rebellion #0

     UPDATE: published here on!

online comic
33 BSW4 Jedi Council comic book
32 BSW4 The Essential Guide to Episode I sourcebook
24 BSW4 Star Wars Adventures #4 - Bonus Adventure: Dooku Death Match young readers
22 BSW4 Jedi: Barriss Offee comic book
  Escape from Dagu novel
19-15 BSW4 Star Wars: Underworld TV series
  Imperial Commando video game
  Imperial Commando 2 novel
3 BSW4 Lando Calrissian Adventures Sourcebook RPG sourcebook
2 BSW4 Jack Chalker Han Solo novel(s) novel
1 BSW4 Bungo n' Rusti Get the Record! comic strip
  Biggs Darklighter: Blaze of Glory comic book
0 SW4 Al Williamson newspaper ANH adaptation comic strip
  Unpublished Russ Manning newspaper comic strips comic strip
  101 Neks comic strip
  Bungo & Rusti On Strike! comic strip
  Bungo & Rusti Are Castaways comic strip
  Bungo & Rusti Join the Rebellion?!! Part I comic strip
  Bungo and Rusti Join the Rebellion?!! Part II comic strip
  Era of Rebellion Sourcebook - including Marvel Comics material RPG sourcebook
  The Jarnollen Expedition RPG article
  Eight for Aduba-3 retelling short story short story
  Ewoks #15 comic book
1 ASW4 Shifting Gears (SWAJ #17)

     UPDATE: published on!

short story
2 ASW4 Vernost video game
  Credit Denied (SWAJ #16)

     UPDATE: published on!

short story
  The Art of Infiltration (SWAJ #17)
     UPDATE: published in Star Wars Gamer #9; original version here
short story
  Treasure Hunt (SWAJ #17) short story
0-3 ASW4 Gambler's Luck solitaire adventure
  Leia choose your own adventure book solitaire adventure
  Leigh Brackett Princess Leia novel

     UPDATE: never written; Leigh Brackett died beforehand

  Love is a Warm Blaster

     UPDATE: published on!

short story
  Just Business

     UPDATE: published on

short story
  Emanations of Darkness

     UPDATE: published on

short story
3 ASW4 Shadows of the Empire prequel novel novel
  Bounty Hunters comic book
  Star Wars 3-D #4-7 (w/ Spies of Botha issue) comic book
4 ASW4 The Truce at Bakura comic book adaptation comic book
  Jodo Kast and Dengar: Preying for Time
     ( a.k.a. Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction prequel )
short story / comic
  X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Mandalorian Candidate comic book
  Marvel Comics material in Cracken's Threat Dossier RPG supplement
  Ewok Adventure for Atari 2600 video game
5 ASW4 Son of Palpatine series books #7-9
     (a.k.a. Glove of Darth Vader series) 
young adult novel
  The Saga of Atha Prime action figure line
  Marvel Comics Star Wars Beyond #107 comic book
6 ASW4 X-Wing Rogue Squadron Sourcebook RPG sourcebook
8 ASW4 The Courtship of Princess Leia trilogy novels
  Hutt and Seek (SWAJ)
     Modified for Tales from the New Republic.
short story
  DarkStryder discarded plotlines RPG supplement
9 ASW4 Dark Force Rising comic book adaptation (w/ artist Gil Kane) comic book
10 ASW4 Lightsider

     UPDATE: Published on

illustrated novel
11 ASW4 Full version of Empire's End comic book
  Boba Fett vs. The Empire comic book
  Scourge of the Nevoota Bee

     UPDATE: This was never real and was a joke by the author and friends

novel / comic book
14 ASW4 Fairy Tales: Jaina and the Hanadak story book
  Fairy Tales: The Twins and the Taloden story book
15 ASW4 Exiles of the Force comic book
  Heart of the Jedi

     UPDATE: published on!

  Legacy of Doom novel
19 ASW4 Crimson Empire III

     UPDATE: published by Dark Horse Comics in 2011!

comic book
  Specter of Thrawn comic book
25 ASW4 Alternate Dark Horse Comics invasion storyline comic book
  The Hatred Vector comic book
  The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide: Siege novel
26 ASW4 The New Jedi Order: The Knightfall Trilogy: Jedi Storm novel
  The New Jedi Order: The Knightfall Trilogy: Jedi Fire novel
  The New Jedi Order: The Knightfall Trilogy: Jedi Blood novel
  New Jedi Order Sourcebook update / volume 2 RPG sourcebook
32-35 ASW4 Star Wars Episodes VII, VIII, IX film
? Star Wars Episodes X, XI, XII film
36-37 ASW4 Cult Encounters: Excerpts from the Last Days of Arhul Hextrophon

     UPDATE: published on!

short story
 38 ASW4 Supernatural Encounters: The Trial and Transformation of Arhul Hextrophon

     UPDATE: published on!

39 ASW4 Untitled Boba Fett novel novel
  Blood Oath novel
40 ASW4 Sword of the Jedi trilogy novels
unknown Star Wars: First Empire RPG campaign
  Paul Kemp duology novels
spans multiple eras Star Wars Adventure Journal #16

     UPDATE: published on

RPG periodical
  Star War Adventure Journal #17

     UPDATE: published on

RPG periodical
  Star Wars Adventure Journal #18

     UPDATE: partly published on

RPG periodical
  Star Wars Gamer #11 and beyond RPG periodical
  Dungeon magazine #109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116 material RPG periodical
  SpecForces: Instant Adventures RPG supplement
  Wizards of the Coast Star Wars RPG online content RPG online
  Marvel Comics plot ideas comic book
N/A Monsters and Aliens trilogy (Alien Exodus and Human Exodus) novels
  Creatures of Kashyyk RPG article
  Castaways of Endor (Gamer)

     UPDATE: published on hyperspace

RPG article
  Who's Who in the Imperial Military (Gamer) RPG article
  Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals ( Gamer)
     UPDATE: reformatted for Star Wars Insider #66
RPG article
  Tion Hegemony Sourcebook RPG sourcebook
  Jedi Sourcebook RPG sourcebook
  Corporate Sector Authority campaign boxed set RPG campaign
  Aliens Compendium RPG sourcebook
unofficial Jawas of Doom audio drama

     UPDATE: Available on the SWFA website

audio drama
  Diplomacy audio drama

     UPDATE: Available on the SWFA website

audio drama


BSW4 = Before Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope
ASW4 = After Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope


Rich Handley, "Comics That Almost Were", Star Wars Galaxy Collector #4 
Jedi Council Forums Star Wars: Lostworlds


I would like to thank Andrew Gordon, who was the previous keeper of the project, for doing so much of the research before I took over.  He also provided some of the summary speculation and helped with some timeline placements.

I would also like to thank Michael Potts, who started the whole idea on the Jedi Council Literature forum.  He also made contributions including help with some timeline placements. Lostworlds exists as an appendix to the popular Star Wars Time Tales created by Christopher McElroy and Michael Potts.

I would also like to thank Nathan Butler for his contributions and help with some timeline placements.  Much of the information on this page also appears as "historical curiosities" in his popular Star Wars Timeline Gold.

Also a warm thanks is due for the contributions of several other members of the Jedi Council forums including Mavrick889, Genghis12, Valiento, Ana Vitorrian, LanceJade, Mastadge, and KamSolusar.


Disclaimer: Lostworlds is a fan operated web site dedicated to the Star Wars Expanded Universe and related items. Star Wars, its characters and all other related items are copyright LucasFilm Ltd. and its subsidiaries (Lucas Digital, Skywalker Sound, LucasArts Entertainment Company, etc). Layouts, designs, and related content are © copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 Kevin C. Furman.


Note: Unpublished. rare. or out-of-print Star Wars stories will be taken down if/when officially released/reprinted

Supernatural Encounters



Cult Encounters


Previously unpublished duology intended for Hyperspace and the Star Wars Blog.


Tom Veitch's unpublished bridge story between Dark Empire I and II

Much More over at